Personalized Empowerment Plan
Our Personalized Empowerment Plan is customized for your team/organization's goals. We will assess your needs to help identify areas of improvement.
Google Certification Level One
Get prepped and ready for the Google Certified Educator Level One assessment.
S.T.E.A.M. Collaborations
The various components of education are intertwined all around us every day. Learn how to implement Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math education using the standards and content.
Game-Based Assessments
Learn strategies to incorporate game-based learning into your school/class for instruction and assessment to make learning more meaningful and engaging for learners.
Personalizing Professional Development
Focus on Personalizing Professional Development for your staff using our Personalized Professional Development Plan
Google Certification Level Two
Get prepped and ready for the Google Certified Educator Level Two assessment.
Student Empowerment
Focus on empowering students to explore their passions through the curriculum by moving learners from only being consumers of content to creators of content as well.
Personalizing Learning
Learn a variety of strategies for personalizing learning for learners and empowering them to explore their passions using the curriculum as a vehicle.
21ST Century Efficiency
for Administrators
Learn strategies that Administrators can use to increase efficiency and communication using a variety of online tools.
Music in Every Classroom
Music is a powerful tool for learning. Learn strategies for incorporating music into any classroom and any curriculum to enhance the learners' experience.