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GOOGLE and MICROSOFT both offer various tools to encourage and make collaboration easy amongst students and teachers. 

EDMODO makes a teacher’s daily life easier by providing a safe and easy way for teachers and students to engage and collaborate for free, anytime, anywhere.

GOOGLE CLASSROOM  is a tool in Google Apps for Education that helps teachers create and organize assignments quickly, provide feedback efficiently, and easily communicate with their classes.

STOODLE - Stoodle offers real-time collaboration on a virtual whiteboard with infinite pages, real-time communication through voice conferencing and text chat, permanent storage of all classrooms for later access, support for image uploading, and access to basic drawing tools and colors

AWW- A Web Whiteboard is touch-friendly online whiteboard app that lets you use your computer, tablet or smartphone to easily draw sketches, collaborate with others and share them with the world.

DRAWP can be used with all subjects, and lets teachers distribute and collect work as easily as with paper worksheets while automatically storing them in the private Drawp cloud.

DRAW IT LIVE is a free application that allows you to work together with other people to draw in real time.  You simply create a whiteboard and share its URL to allow other people to join in

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